Sunday, January 24, 2021

1188. Aileen Wuornos: The Life and Death of a Serial Killer

Aileen Wuornos: The Life and Death of a Serial Killer
Directed by Nick Broomfield

I've been complaining about the depressing movies on the List lately, so here's something to shake things up. This is a follow up to a previous List movie, Aileen Wuornos: The Selling of a Serial Killer. But it actually feels much more like a horror movie. I didn't want to go to sleep after looking into Aileen's eyes for so long.

The documentary examines Aileen's mental state closer to the date of execution, and listening to her insane ramblings was truly disturbing. The film also features parts of a hearing where Nick Broomfield himself was required to give testimony, over the unflattering portrayal of Aileen's lawyer in The Selling of a Serial Killer. Aileen's counsel hoped to prove she was unfairly represented, but Aileen is eager to be executed and doesn't want to be saved. 

Aileen's relationship with Nick Broomfield, the director of the documentary is pretty fascinating. It's almost like a Clarisse/Hannibal dynamic. It probably doesn't come as a shock to anybody (pun intended) that I am against the death penalty.  I think it's disgusting and exploitative, and the fact that Aileen passes three psychiatric tests on the day of her execution is proof of this.

An absorbing documentary. I would love to meet Nick Broomfield in real life.
RATING: ****-

Interesting Facts:

Received limited release, several weeks after Monster came out.

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