Saturday, January 16, 2021

1179. The Wolf of Wall Street

The Wolf of Wall Street
Directed by Martin Scorsese

It seems every few years there is a movie that men generally love and women generally hate. Your Deadpools, Animal Houses, and Fight Clubs. Worse still, the young men then believe they are exactly like the main characters in those things and put it in their dating profile. This is one of those movies, and I am sure there are many Jordan Belfort references floating around the dating-sphere.

Belfort rises and Belfort falls. Really, all of these Wall Street stories are the same, no matter how many monologues you assign the main character. It's actually a very familiar trajectory for Martin Scorsese, who I feel lets his hair down a little with this movie. 

Like most Scorsese films, it is very prolonged, testosterone-fueled event. Everybody gives outstanding performances so I wasn't bored exactly, but it feels like a story that's been told before, just with more drugs and nudity.

I think this is actually the final Scorsese movie on the List, which makes 13 total across editions. I thought for sure The Irishman would be included in the update, but the Listmakers do provide small mercies sometimes.

RATING: ***--

Interesting Facts:

The actors snorted crushed B vitamins for the cocaine scenes, which eventually gave Jonah Hill bronchitis.

The majority of the movie was improvised.

The real Jordan Belfort appears in the final scene.

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