Tuesday, March 22, 2016

840. Tongues Untied

Tongues Untied
Directed by Marlon Riggs

I took a film class once that made this required viewing.  I had already seen in it for this List but the professor didn't believe me.  I suppose most people haven't seen it and I must have an untrustworthy face.  The professor also rejected me when I asked him out later.  Let's all pretend it was because he thought I was a liar.

Anyway, having now seen it twice, I am quite familiar with it.  Basically, it's a documentary on black homosexual society, which pretty much faces persecution on all sides.  Marlon Riggs also details his own experiences, which includes losing friends to the AIDs virus.

I think a lot of people might look at this film and think it can't interest them if they aren't black or gay.  This is pretty unfair, as I think it is supremely important to listen to voices that don't necessarily reflect your own viewpoints or history.  Isn't that what art is about?  Anyway, it is only 55 minutes long, so it's not that much of an investment.

Heartbreaking at times and enlightening at others, it's definitely a film people should see. Twice.

RATING: ****-

Interesting Facts:

Includes footage of Eddie Murphy doing a homophobic stand up routine.

1 comment:

  1. "I think a lot of people might look at this film and think it can't interest them if they aren't black or gay."

    Ironically, many of them have no issues recommending films starring white straight males to female, gay and black people.

    I think this a very touchy film. It is so full of sensibility and humanity that I think it can appeal everyone. If someone's prejudices prevent them from enjoying it, I feel very sorry for them. The world is more beautiful when you raise your head and look at the infinite horizon that lies beyond from your own backyard.

    And also you can learn to snap! :D
