Friday, April 22, 2016

885. Riget

The Kingdom
Directed by Lars von Trier

Ugh, here we go again. The Listmakers try to slide a tv miniseries in the mix.  What's that about? I did enjoy this, but it certainly didn't fit with the rest of the movies.  Also, Riget is on the 1001 TV Shows You Must See Before You Die list, so it's kind of redundant.

Basically, weird things happen at a hospital in Denmark.  It actually seems like an American Horror Story season, minus Kathy Bates.  The creepiest plot line for me wasn't supernatural, but most of the odd things that take place are otherworldly.

This is a really atmospheric show; the sepia tones, the strange characters, and even the structure of the hospital are all incredibly chilling.  The ending was a bit silly, but I suppose the point of a season finale is to create hype for the second season.  That's another reason why it is obnoxious to include this on a list of 1001 movies.  The format is so different that it is impossible to compare with the rest of the List.

Aside from my List related grievances, this is worth checking out if you are into the horror genre.

RATING: ***--

Interesting Facts:

A third installment in the series was planned, but was ultimately scrapped as the lead actors were no longer available.

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