Saturday, September 5, 2015

584. Chinatown

Directed by Roman Polanski

Why do all of my favorite directors have to be such creeps in real life?  Should I feel guilty about enjoying this?  I guess I have adored too many Woody Allen films to turn back now.  Still, I will have a slight feeling of remorse praising this as one of my favorite movies.

Chinatown isn't nearly as complicated as some of our other noirs but it is still a bit hard to summarize.  A private dick named Jake Gittes, played by the always flawless Jack Nicholson, is hired by Evelyn Mulwray to do surveillance work on her husband.  Soon the husband ends up dead and the real Evelyn Mulwray reveals herself.  Oh no.  Jake is going to pay for his nosiness (sorry, I am a slave to the puns).

This film is absolutely perfect; I can't think of one negative thing to say about it.  Usually Faye Dunaway gets on my nerves by overacting, but she was made for this role.  I thought film noir was nearly dead after the disappointment that was The Long Goodbye.  I love that I was proven wrong.

RATING: *****

Interesting Facts:

Jack Nicholson had just entered into a relationship with Angelica Huston when filming began, making the scenes with John Huston rather uncomfortable.

Ali MacGraw was originally supposed to play Evelyn, but lost the role when she divorced the producer for Steve McQueen.  That's fair.

Roman Polanski has admitted that the darkness in the film was a result of his own despair at his wife's murder.


  1. Refreshing to have afilm we can all just quietly enjoy and agree on eh?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. It is! There is a lot more to say about the ones we both find horrid.

  4. Good review of my favourite Polanski. It did take me a second viewing to fully appreciate this movie, and boy was I blown away by it.
    Chinatown is like a fine wine. It’s meant to be savoured!

    1. I have only seen this one, so maybe I will try it again!

  5. It is flawless, easily the best movie if the year. I seem to have much less of a problem with Polanski than most people. Surviving the Krakow ghetto as a child and the horrific murder of his wife I can give him a lot of slack. Especially when he creates masterpieces like Chinatown.
