Saturday, November 24, 2012

236. Pandora and The Flying Dutchman

Pandora and The Flying Dutchman
Directed by Albert Lewin

I was visiting my sister recently for Thanksgiving and while we were walking home after dinner, I started to lament about not being able to find this movie anyway.  As Rachel often does, she took my problem into her own hands and we took a detour to the film library.  Within two minutes we had picked up a movie that I had been looking for for several months.

I will admit, we did not pay close attention to the movie.  I got distracted by Rachel's 1001 book.  She is horrible at checking things off and she made me (aka I did it without her permission) proofread her list.  Then I got excited because she had candy.  Then we played a drinking game.  Then I finally settled down to pay attention and…the film was over.

So here is what I gathered.  Ava Gardner is a horrible bitch who manipulates men because she is so fucking gorgeous.  She even convinces a man to push his car off a cliff for her.  If I suggested that, I am pretty sure I would be the one flying off the cliff.  But I digress.

I guess she met her match with this sailor guy?  And then she destroyed one of his paintings?  Maybe other stuff happened?

Obviously, I might have dropped the ball on this review a little.  I did notice that the cinematography was absolutely beautiful.  I don't feel too guilty.  I watch so many movies alone.  It makes me forget that sometimes movies are more about your experience than the one the filmmaker attended.  Cue the music that plays in sitcoms when someone learns a lesson.

RATING: ***-- (maybe?)

Interesting Facts:

First color film of Ava Gardner's.

Considered one of the most beautiful films ever made.


  1. You really need to watch this again! It is worth it because you seemed to have missed most of the stuff that happens haha

  2. Keep working on her Rachel... back to the library .. and keep her off the drink!
    I must admit that as I try to rremeber how this one went, I start to realise I thinking of bits from 'Ghost and Mrs Muir', and I have to start thinking again.. So i guess that shows this one didn't fully impress me, but I think it was OK..

    1. Now I want to rewatch 'Ghost and Mrs. Muir'! It's like a better version of this film. I didn't make the connection until you mentioned it

  3. Haha all right, I will lay off the booze and watch this again!

  4. Maybe I should watch this again as well. Damn, I do not remember anything of it. Cannot have been that impressive.

    1. Yeah it's weird when a list movie is seems so unremarkable.

  5. Yes, I think you need to revisit this if you want to have any claim to have watched every movie on The List. There's a difference between not being fully focussed on the film and simply having been present in the same room whilst it played.

    I thought it was a very good film, if not a great one. Usually when The List gives us something like that, it's because it is notable in some way or a notable example of something, neither of which I detect here. Perhaps I could sum it up as being worthy of its place in a 1,001 list, but likely to get the chop if the book ever got edited down to 901 movies to save paper.
