Friday, November 16, 2012

230. Los Olvidados

Los Olvidados
The Young and the Damned
Directed by Luis Bunuel

Full disclosure: I could not find this movie with subtitles.  It seems relatively well known but I could only find it from a less that reputable site that kept asking if I was into Asian women.  No, I am not.

Anyway, in the movies whenever two characters are watching a film with no subtitles, the couple usually adds their own hilarious dialogue and it is generally a pretty adorable scene.  Since I watch movies alone since I have been single for like…ever, it was not fun at all.  I had like four different windows open trying to follow the plot since I don't speak a word of Spanish.  It was not cute or hilarious, it was just irritating.

So from what I gathered, this movie was about a bunch of street toughs doing things.  It was actually pretty brutal.  Several birds were killed on screen and kids were beaten to a pulp.  I think there was also an attempted rape? Maybe?  I don't know.

This was evidently a pretty accurate portrayal of life for kids on Mexican streets.  However, there were fantasy elements in it that made it even harder to understand for me.  I really have no opinion on this.   If you can find a version with subtitles, let me know.  Honestly, it probably wasn't for me with or without subtitles.

RATING: **---

Interesting Facts:

365 shots in the whole movie.

Its theatrical release only lasted for three days due to its response from both the press and the government.


  1. I found a version with subtitles in my University film library. I can imagine this same review if you had the subtitles, however. I found it extremely boring so I can't imagine how bad it must have been for you. Everyone was just terrible and sad. Which I guess is kind of the point.

  2. One of those films I feel I should be more in sympathy with than I actualy am. There are many on a similar theme.. street kids being tough.. I'm supposed to feel sympathy and concern, and regretably I don't.
    But then I'm not the most chid friendly person out here full stop.

    1. I agree 100%, but I am a teacher so I don't have an excuse!

    2. I agree 100%, but I am a teacher so I don't have an excuse!

  3. I think I would have disliked it, with or without the terrible subtitles. And yes, I am not a fan of child centric films either.

  4. Maybe not an excuse, but a valid reason!

  5. Subtitles did little to improve this movie. It is extremely depressing and frankly you did not miss much.

  6. Here I am again, last to the party and with a contrary point of view.

    I thought it was very good. Bleak, but that was the point. Jaibo turning up at the wrong moment every time was a bit repetitive, but otherwise very well made.

    Let me know if you still want a copy with subtitles.

    1. "last to the party and with a contrary point of view." That would make a lovely epitaph.

    2. I'll get the stone mason to work on it right away
