Sunday, November 13, 2011

93. Top Hat

Top Hat

I recently watched Swing Time (which is coming up on the list) which is basically the same movie as this so I am having trouble keeping them apart in my mind.  I do know that I absolutely love Astaire and Rogers.  They have great chemistry and are both phenomenal dancers.

Of course, this cooky film is based entirely off misunderstandings and mistaken identities.  The movie Swing Time is vastly superior by comparison.  Standing alone, though, this movie is entertaining and fun.  The sets, however, are bit ridiculous.  I have never been to Venice but I am sure as hell that it does not look like that.  Still amazing though; these guys are competing for affections with Powell and Loy.

RATING: ****-

Interesting Facts:

I am so sleepy!!!

Helped save RKO from bankruptcy.

4th of ten dancing partnerships between Rogers and Astaire.


  1. Together with Footlight parade this movie actually convinced me that I do like musicals. I am not much for dancing but the music here is outstanding and I was humming the theme for several months after watching it. Unfortunately my love affair with musicals only lasted until the late forties.

    1. Haha Ray hates them too so you're not alone!

  2. The night after I saw this I watched Bride of Frankenstein. I note that the monster's chat-up technique at the climax of that film was considerably smoother than Fred Astaire in the first half hour of this.
