Wednesday, December 5, 2012

250. High Noon

High Noon
Directed by Fred Zinnemann

All right, this post has to be super quick because I have to be ready to go in a half hour and I am still in my Dr. Seuss boxers.  I just could not resist doing this one because we have reached…
We are a quarter of the way there, people.  Well, actually, I am a lot farther then that in the book but for the purpose of this blog, hooray!

Anyway, speeding through.  Gary Cooper plays the role Gary Cooper always plays.  An outlaw that he put away is returning to the town at (gasp!) noon.  He tries to get people to help him but people are cowards.  Kind of like Odd Man Out.  Oh yeah and Grace Kelly makes an appearance as a beautiful quaker.

This film is pretty awesome.  First, it was shot in real time; I felt like I was watching an episode of 24.  In addition, my sister can do a great impression of Katy Jurado.  If you are ever at a party with her, ask for it.  She will no doubt be scared that you know that and run away from you.  You should still give it a try.

This is a great movie, one that makes you think about bravery and friendship.  I would go on more but my lateness has now become a serious problem.

RATING: ****-

Interesting Facts:

An allegory for people in Hollywood refusing to stand up to the House of UnAmerican Activities Committee.

Bill Clinton's favorite film of all time.

#27 in AFI's top 100.

Grace Kelly and Gary Cooper had an affair during filming.

1 comment:

  1. Gary Cooper and Grace Kelly? You are kidding?
    Great movie all round. Maybe the best western of the fifties togther with The Searchers.
