Monday, September 10, 2012

197. Monsieur Verdoux

Monsieur Verdoux
Directed by Charlie Chaplin

Oh my god, Charlie, get out of here.  I keep thinking I see the last of him and he keeps creeping back up.  I mean, I enjoyed your early work but you have totally overstayed your welcome.

So surprisingly, this film isn't silent.  His voice comes across as a bit silly having never heard it before this.  I don't really like Chaplin on principle because he was a pedophile creep.  Now, I think this was supposed to be a dark comedy but there is really nothing funny about it.  It is actually pretty good but the humor part just wasn't achieved.

Monsieur Verdoux is sacked from his job and cannot make any money.  So, of course, to support his family he has to start killing widows and stealing their fortunes. Really, Charlie?  That is the only solution you could think of?

Well, there is a lot of political commentary in this movie which didn't exactly help his whole "I am not a communist" cause.  A rather interesting film, but I am so over CC at this point.

RATING: ***--

Interesting Facts:

Chaplin bought the film from Orson Welles.

Based on the life of Henri Desire Landru.

Favorite of Chaplin's films.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, if you disregard the weird political commentary and the fact that it is not really funny it is a pretty good movie. So it was basically Chaplin's to ruin.
