Monday, September 10, 2012

193. Notorious

Directed by Alfred Hitchcock

All right so I have to write about twelve of these in a row due to my poor planning.  So, of course, I dedicate myself to this blog for an hour while my real work lays neglected.  As it should be.

At first, I didn't care what the movie was about.  The names Hitchcock, Grant, and Bergman are enough to make me pretty much watch anything.  But then I realized that this is a magnificent film in its own right, regardless of the big names.  Everyone is playing a role that is not natural to them: Ingrid as a loose woman and Grant as a Bogart type.  It all comes together beautifully though.

I don't want to reveal a lot about the plot but suffice to say there is a steamy romance and an absolutely insane mother.  Those are always fun.

Hitchcock continues to knock it out of the park with movies that are both entertaining and quality.  Keep it up, Hitch!

RATING: ****-

Interesting Facts:

Hitchcock claimed that he was followed by the government after this film premiered because it dealt with uranium.

HITCHCOCK RADAR: About an hour in, Hitchcock gets a glass of champagne from a waiter.

Famous kissing scene was designed to skirt the Hays Code.


  1. I loved this movie! I actually gasped out loud at one point because of the suspense. I know what you mean about them playing against type. It was also interesting to see a woman in a movie of this time with a drinking problem...

  2. Once again, thanks to both Rachel and you 'recently added comments' bar for bringing this total gem back to my attention.
    Decidedly one of my more favored Hitchcock films. Great plot, stunning casting (Hey, you failed to give Claude Raines a name check).. and a great twist

  3. I loved this movie as well! I agree, Ray; Claude Raines deserved a mention.

  4. Only issue with this movie is the strange relationship between Bergman's and Grant's character. It is sort of an "I spite you so I love you and don't you know that my hateful words are meant lovingly?" relationship.
