Saturday, August 25, 2012

189. The Big Sleep

The Big Sleep
Directed by Howard Hawks

So I saw this maybe eight months ago and was utterly confused.  I have no idea what happened.  I even contemplated watching it again with a notepad to try to keep track of all the plot twists but then I would have to pause it every ten seconds and it really wasn't worth it.  Now that time has elapsed since I saw it, I am even more confused.

All right, so I can't give you a plot summary here.  But does plot really even matter in a Bogie and Bacall film?  No, all that matters is the sexual chemistry and sexy innuendoes.  I am getting a bit sick of it to be honest.  Okay, so they make a sexy couple.  Yes, it can be interesting to watch, but really, a movie needs more than that.  Like a plot.  Hell, Raymond Chandler famously declared he didn't even understand the twists and he wrote the book!

So collectively I have watched about eight hours of Bogie and Bacall together.  Impressive? Absolutely.  Tiresome?  Absolutely.

RATING: ***--

Interesting Facts:

Humphrey Bogart had an affair with Lauren Bacall during filming and they were married three months later.  Because of his marital problems, however, he would often drink heavily and was unable to film.

Saved Bacall's career after her performance in the movie Confidential Agent was panned.

Bulk of the film was shot during war time.


  1. I have a lot of love for this movie. Not because I understand all of the plotlines, but the confusion is very much a part of the style and mood and that is the real asset of the movie. Also it is hilariously funny.

    1. It's like a time travel movie. If you don't spend too much time thinking about the logistics, it can be really fun.

  2. MARLOWE: I'm 38 years old
    Of course you are, Humph, of course you are

    In some ways this was the best all-round Philip Marlowe film I've seen so far. In other ways it fell into awful cliche. The scene where they flirt with each other by talking about race horses was like some kind of comedy skit parody of bad dialogue.
