Monday, July 2, 2012

170. Henry V

Henry V
Directed by Laurence Olivier

I am as much of Billy Shakes fan as the next guy, though I have never been one for his historical plays.  However, I think I watched this awhile ago when something unfortunate happened with a fellow and I was super depressed.  Instead of being a normal person and watching Bridget Jones, I put this in.  A 135 minute epic was not exactly medicine for a broken heart.

I do, however, like Laurence and the film adaptations of Shakespeare's plays; the timing was just off for me.  The speeches in this movie are incredible and the color, far from looking gaudy, looks really modern.  There is a certain self-indulgence to be detected in this movie. Also, since this a British film, it has to be annoyingly patriotic.  Still, check it out (just not if you are in a wallowing mood).

RATING: ***--

Interesting Facts:

Had to stop filming while a real battle went on and then continued to shoot the scene.

Winston Churchill made cuts to the script.


  1. I really enjoy your extra comments! Thanks for adding them. :)

  2. I guess you have to be in the right mood to watch this. The speeches are quite famous, aren't they?
