Directed by Alfred Hitchcock
I absolutely adore Alfred Hitchcock and I think anyone who has seen of his movies feels the same way. That being said, this is probably one of my least favorite Hitchcock's. There is nothing directly wrong with it, it is just not as strong as his other films.
This movie is about a charismatic serial killer who goes to visit his niece and her family. But Charlie is on to you Joseph Cotten! It is really interesting to see a charming killer since this seems to be a popular theme recently (Man Bites Dog, American Psycho, etc.). I am giving Hitchcock credit for this.
The acting is pretty great (Charlie can be a bit annoying sometimes) and the screenplay is strong. My one complaint would be that the ending is sort of campy and not as dark as I think the subject matter required. I think every Hitchcock is indispensable so check it out.
RATING: ****-
Interesting Facts:
Hitchcock's favorite film.
The name "Charlie" is said about 170 times.
HITCHCOCK RADAR: Playing cards on the train.