Sunday, January 29, 2012

122. Mr. Smith Goes to Washington

Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
Directed by Frank Capra

So I had some trouble writing a review for this one.  It is one of those classic films that I feel like I should have a brilliant review for, so of course I completely clam up.  So finally I got the hang of it and was just about to publish it, when my Google chrome crashed and I lost the entire post.  

This is me:
Anyway, here is my shortened review because I don't feel like rewriting my previous brilliance.  Jimmy Stewart is a naive politician that goes to Washington and attempts to conquer the corruption there.  Let's do highlights here.  Still pertinent today, some scenes went on too long, Stewart was amazing, and I like Frank Capra.  That about covers it.  So watch it; it is especially important with the presidential election coming up.

RATING: ****-

Interesting Facts:

BLAH!  I don't feel like rewriting these!  Click here.



  1. Hate when these things happens. Too often I had to rewrite a comment because Blogger had me signed out.

  2. I just watched this...I could not get into it at all. I was so looking forward to it too because of James Stewart and I ended up finding it just a chore to finish. It's not that the performances weren't good or the story wasn't interesting...something just didn't click for me.

  3. I just watched this...I could not get into it at all. I was so looking forward to it too because of James Stewart and I ended up finding it just a chore to finish. It's not that the performances weren't good or the story wasn't interesting...something just didn't click for me.

  4. "So watch it; it is especially important with the presidential election coming up." Well well, and here we are again. And if you judged it itch last time... mutiple so this time.
    .. and the scary thing is, in a years time, that's the sort of comment that could just get us into trouble as Trumps paranoid security ask "and just what did you mean by that?". Mind you Amanda, I think by now we've said so many other things, we are toast. What do I mean 'we'? I'm safe and sound over here. (There should be room on a chair for you Amanda)

  5. I can't even consider the possibility that he might win. I can see why this might not click, Ashley. Definitely not my favorite Jimmy Stewart movie.

  6. Just watched your 'Friends' clip .. Sorry, but ho American. So Phoebe shouts some very naughty wards.. (I think we see he mouth forming a decided 'F'). Ok, there is a kid in the room, but the adults are shocked and horrified at what she said, and it is seen as awful to be portrayed on TV. .. OK.. but being America, if she'd drawn a gun.. yes, so what?
    It's long been commented that sex, nudity and bad language are the taboos in US, where we see violence as the bigger issue.
    I mean, what a fuss a few years ago when whats'ername Jackson or someone, had a fleeting glimpse of nipple at some event. errr.. yes .. unfortunate, but it's just a nipple .. and I bet you had to inch forward and freeze frame it in order to be suitably outraged and disgusted. I'm afraid I regard rampant gun crime as something a tad more important ..
    Sorry, another rant from Ray, just ignore ..
