Sunday, March 21, 2021

1233. Signs and Wonders

Signs and Wonders
Directed by Jonathan Nossiter

Would you believe that this was the hardest film on the List for me to find? Usually it's the low budget documentaries from Zaire (back when Zaire was a country) that give me trouble. But no, it's this oddball film that I had to overpay for on eBay. Since it was the last movie on the List, I was willing to live in squalor if I have to.

In this bizarre story, Stellan Skarsgard plays a married man having an affair with his colleague. He leaves his wife Marjorie not once, but twice for this woman. When he tries to get his wife back, he makes the unpleasant discovery that she's taken up with a Greek political activist. Good for you Madge. He has a very strange reaction to these developments.

We all know that Skarsgard is a really good actor. So what was going on here? Was it the directing that made his performance so hammy and unconvincing? Just what were we supposed to get out of that sex scene anyway? I think when a man makes that expression it's time to dismount. It's a movie that definitely left me with more questions than answers. And now I have a DVD copy of it in my tiny apartment. 

This being the last List movie and all, I will definitely pop back in again soon to give my closing statements. Stay tuned!

RATING: **---

Interesting Facts:

Shot on location in Athens.

Cowritten by British poet James Lasdun, which might explain some of the weirdness.

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