Tuesday, March 9, 2021

1225. Deconstructing Harry

Deconstructing Harry
Directed by Woody Allen

I am currently watching Allen vs. Farrow, which explores the abuse allegations against Woody Allen and his relationship with Soon Yi Previn. It's enough to kill any pleasure you can get from watching his movies. I do think art can be separated from the artist, but Allen's art just seems so personal.

Harry Block is a writer who pulls from the characters in his own life to write his stories, much to rage of his various muses. His ex lover is hysterical and homicidal over his latest work, where he revealed their affair on the page. His ex wife is also furious about her portrayal in his works, and often refuses to let him see his son as result. Harry is due to receive an honorary degree from a college that once kicked him out, and the person he would have liked to have taken most is marrying his best friend.

With such an all star cast, you'd think this movie would have more lasting power. But it's a little too dark, and maybe a bit too honest, to appeal to the mainstream. I think it's fascinating to portray a character who functions better in art than real life. And Allen always makes me laugh. 

It was also a dreamlike film that would appeal to Bergman fans. So if you can still stomach his movies, this is a good one to pick.

RATING: ****-

Interesting Facts:

Roger Ebert suggested that the character of Harry is based on Philip Roth, not Allen.

Jennifer Garner's feature film debut.

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