Sunday, March 13, 2022

1237. Saint Maud

Saint Maud
Directed by Rose Glass

I am perfectly content watching bad horror movies. My siblings and I spend an inordinate amount of time watching films that range from the sort of okay to the truly dreadful. I think this was needlessly upsetting at some moments, but it sure freaked me out. Probably because the object of the religious zealot obsession was an atheist named Amanda.

Maud is a private geriatric nurse caring for Amanda, a terminally ill former dancer that is reasonably embittered by her fate. Maud resolves to save her soul. I think I had a friend like this in high school, she promised to put in a good word for me at the pearly gates.

When you combine religious fervor with at home nurse care, it's pretty unsettling. This movie felt like a blend of Misery meets Carrie.  The lead gave a terrifying performance equal to Kathy Bates. Great final moment as well.

I guess it is replacing Hereditary on the List to represent modern horror. Hereditary is more chilling, but a pretty freaky addition nonetheless.

RATING: ****-

Interesting Facts:

No bible verse is recited despite the heavily religious themes in the film.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for watching this FOR me. I will never watch it after your insightful and chilling review. Yikes!
