Friday, March 12, 2021

1228. Attack the Gas Station

Attack the Gas Station
Directed by Kim Sang-jin

Well, the List decided to reward my efforts for putting up with the snore that was the previous entry, and tracking down this obscure film. This was actually pretty fun, although much like the robbers, it might have overstayed its welcome a bit.

A group of street thugs decide to rob a gas station, simply because it's fun. That was the translation on my title card, at least, but I guess other versions say "Just because!" Anyway, they rob a gas station that they had previously robbed and destroyed already. Predictably, the manager didn't make the same mistake twice, and now has his wife take the money from the cash register every evening. He also tells the robbers this, so I guess he really has concern for his wife's safety. The robbers take the employees hostage instead and stick around, hoping to get their money. As more and more people visit the gas station, the number of hostages they take becomes a tad unruly.

This was a funny movie, which I am grateful for. The List has made me well aware that humor doesn't always cross cultural lines. It was also interesting learning what led each of the robbers to this moment. I think they are representative of many young men in Korea, sans the video game obsession. But I guess this was made in 1999, so we haven't gotten there yet.

5 movies left!

RATING: ***--

Interesting Facts:

Kim Sang-jin has claimed that the film has inspired real life copy cats. 

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