Friday, January 29, 2016

686. Yol

Directed by Yilmaz Guney

This is one of those films that is based on a great idea, but is spectacularly dull in its execution.  I feel bad about bashing all the foreign movies we have had recently but really, I can't be blamed for Too Early, Too Late.

Three men are prisoners in Turkey on furlough. Seyit Ali returns home to find that his wife is now a prostitute and her family is waiting for him to do the honorable thing. Meaning to kill her.  If you can believe it, that story gets even more disturbing, but I will stop there.  Mehmet Salih carries a secret with him that he is afraid to share with his family (which is quite fair; the people in this film don't seem to be particularly forgiving).  Oh yes, and Omer dreams of using his furlough as a way to escape prison forever.

Okay, maybe calling this movie dull isn't that fair of an assessment, as this film was full of action.  I was just completely down with these characters long before the 124 minutes were up.  All of these characters were absolutely contemptible, although at least the endings somewhat make up for it.  Still, a distinctly upsetting watch.

RATING: **---

Interesting Facts:

Yilmaz Guney directed the film from his jail cell.

1 comment:

  1. Pretty much in agreement with you on this.. "a great idea, but is .. dull in its execution." The dread words ''A very worthy film' seem appropriate.
